"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams Click a video link on the left before reading - it adds to the atmosphere.

Support World AIDS Day

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wow, I'm honored by your visit! (See comment under the playlist "tunes" post). I'm glad you don't mind my having this on the blog, and thanks again for stopping in!


Anonymous said...

Hey, my pleasure. I was just coincidentally looking through Google Blogs to see if my recently-deleted blog entries were still listed, and there your posting was, only a couple hours old.

Out of curiosity, how did you happen upon our music? We have little to no promotion, but were lucky enough to get in on several digital distribution opportunities through cdbaby, who we originally went through. You are all the way on the east coast. That's wild! I want to learn how to maximize visibility, while minimizing cost. I read a whole book on small-world networks in school, and it was fascinating---you know, degrees of separation, hubs, etc.
Anyway, nice blog. You are really open about your life, and you sound like someone who is striving for balance.

Will Shealy said...

Hi, I found an EP, "Under the Bodhi Tree, on Rhapsody.

Thanks for your kind words. Keep me updated on your recordings, I love what I've heard. It seems very honest, heartfelt.

Anonymous said...

Hey Will,

Thanks for sharing about the music. Thought you might be interested in following my latest project from time to time. I usually have 4 demos up at a time, and occasionally replace them with newer versions or songs. We're hoping to be done by summer. I'm really striving for variety in style, as that's what I look for in an artist. I hate when every song sounds the same--well, Sigur Ros and Cocteau Twins can be fun here and there...
Anyway, if you want to check it out, it's at
Random question: Have you ever done ice sculpting?
Happy Holidays